Full program description

Course Introduction

The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center’s Transition Miniseries will enable participants to learn about transition to adulthood topics including the transition IEP process. The 13 courses in this series include.

  • Transition Miniseries: Introduction (1 hour)
  • Student Involvement (1.5 hours)
  • Transition IEP: Introduction (1 hour)
  • Transition IEP: Present Levels of Functional Performance (1.5 hours)
  • Transition IEP: Transition Assessments and Postsecondary Goals (2 hours)
  • Transition IEP: Transition Services and Activities (2 hours)
  • Transition IEP: Annual Goals (2 hours)
  • Transition IEP: Alignment / Conclusion (1 hour)
  • Adult Services and Supports after High School (2 hours)
  • Transition Portfolio’s (2 hours)
  • Course 11 Under Revision (2 hours)
  • Transition Programs (2 hours)
  • Transition Miniseries Conclusion (1 hour)

Total: 21 hours. A certificate of completion (documenting contact hours) will be awarded for each of the thirteen courses in the series.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of modules you will:
  • Understand each section of the Transition IEP
  • Understand the basic components of the Transition Portfolio
  • Know regional, state, and local adult service resources and how to access them
  • Understand what aspects are included in quality transition programs
  • Understand issues that affect students in the transition to adulthood years
  • Know how the Transition IEP sections relate to each other to create a quality plan to reach individual student’s postsecondary goals

Course Topics:

  1. Transition Miniseries: Introduction
  2. Student Involvement
  3. Transition IEP: Introduction
  4. Transition IEP: Present Levels of Functional Performance
  5. Transition IEP: Transition Assessments and Postsecondary Goals
  6. Transition IEP: Transition Services and Activities
  7. Transition IEP: Annual Goals
  8. Transition IEP: Alignment / Conclusion
  9. Adult Services and Supports after High School
  10. Transition Portfolios
  11. Course 11 Under Revision
  12. Transition Programs
  13. Transition Miniseries Conclusion


Length: 21 hours


Center on Community Living and Careers


Educators and other Professionals Working in Transition to Adulthood