
PowerPoint: The Basics (IT Training)



Full course description

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About the Course

This course guides you through creating and formatting a presentation, working with images and video, and applying animations and transitions. It also covers creating handouts, rehearsing and delivering a presentation, packaging a presentation, and addressing accessibility concerns.

Learning Objectives

  • Add, rearrange, and delete slides
  • Import slides from another presentation into a slide show
  • Apply layouts, themes, and QuickStyles
  • Work with text, bullets, images, and video
  • Apply simple animations and transitions
  • Create presentations that are accessible for individuals with disabilities
  • Create audience and presenter handouts
  • Rehearse and deliver a presentation
  • Package a presentation for use on other computers

Prerequisite Skills

  • Use a mouse
  • Work with windows, menus, dialog boxes, and the Ribbon

Meet the Instructor

This course is created and maintained by IT Training, a department of University Information Technology Services of Indiana University (IU). IT Training provides educational opportunities around technologies and software made available by IU. In an effort to expand the reach of IT Training's award-winning, high-quality content, this online series has been available to members of the IU community—and beyond. We hope you enjoy this learning experience.



Length: 2-4 hours


UITS IT Training


Credit: None


Audience: Public

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This course is part of a UITS IT Training Certificate Series. Learn more about the series and how to enroll.


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