
Student Online Toolkit



Full course description

Course Introduction

This course features information for students about the most commonly used technological tools in online courses at Indiana University.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the modules, you will be able to:

  • Communicate with your instructor and classmates
  • Locate course materials and instructions
  • Attend lectures with the appropriate technology

Module Topics Include

  • Canvas
  • Zoom
  • Kaltura
  • Google Resources
  • and many more!

Who to contact

For questions specific to your course (like how an assignment or exam will be handled or what to expect from the class during this period of online instruction), contact your course instructor.

If you are having trouble accessing or using a tool, or for other tech-related questions, please contact UITS Tech Support (available 24/7).


Length: Self-paced


Indiana University


Credit: None


Audience: IU students

Sign up for this course today!
