
TA Orientation: Policies, Procedures, and Resources

Ended Aug 1, 2020

Full course description

This Canvas course has four modules, two of which are required and two that are available as resources to you:

Policies and Procedures (required)
Within this module, you will watch a series of videos pertaining to University policies relevant to your role as a TA. After each video, you will complete a short assignment or quiz. You will need to complete these assignments or quizzes in order to receive the certificate of completion for the Canvas course portion of TA Orientation.
Using the University Library (required)
Within this module, you will watch a series of videos on the resources available to you in the University Library for research and teaching. You will be required to complete a quiz following each video in order to receive the certificate of completion for the Canvas course portion of TA Orientation.
General TA Resources
This module contains links to various units and offices on campus that might be useful to you and your students. This includes tutoring centers, the writing center, campus health resources, etc.
International TA Resources
This module contains many resources for International TAs (ITAs) Topics include: classroom culture in the United States, student expectations, and language barriers on might encounter. There is also a discussion board for you to use to post questions to or receive advice  from other ITAs.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • identify resources for IUPUI policies and procedures relevant to your TA role.
  • know your roles and responsibilities for upholding IUPUI policies and procedures. 
  • describe appropriate responses and actions to handle situations related to FERPA and grading issues, academic misconduct, unlawful harassment, and campus safety.
  • describe basic library access and procedures.
  • identify resources available for your research and teaching.

Meet the instructors

This course was created through a collaboration with the Graduate Office and Center for Teaching and Learning. The course is facilitated by staff from the Center for Teaching and Learning, whose contact information is listed below.

Anusha Rao, Ph.D.

Assistant Director
IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning
Office: 317-278-0589

Jessica Alexander, Ph.D.

Instructional Consultant
IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning
Office: 317-278-0585