Training Series for Disordered Gamblers | Isn't Self-management Possible for Addictions and Mental Health, Too?
1.5 credits
Full course description
Training Series for Disordered Gamblers is developed by the Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program or IPGAP of the Prevention Insights of Indiana University Bloomington. IPGAP is a project funded by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction to provide technical assistance for prevention and treatment of disordered gambling in Indiana. As you work through the training series for disordered gamblers, you will be guided in evidence-based research and trends related to problem gambling. You will have the opportunity to study case-based scenarios and apply current treatment standards.
This Self-management for Addictions and Mental Health course is a part of the Training Series for Disordered Gamblers. This course will focus on self-management strategies for persons struggling with addictions and mental health challenges. The course content delves into the parallels between self-management models for chronic health concerns, understanding the factors influencing addiction/mental health treatment, the advantages of self-management tools and the community and online resources available for self-management and recovery of addictions/mental health distress.