
Social-Emotional Wellness in Virtual Instruction

Started Mar 17, 2021
8 credits


Full course description

Course Introduction

This Social-Emotional Wellness Workshop will help YOU to Recognize, Understand, Manage, Express, and Reflect on your Thoughts, Interactions, Mindsets, and Emotions in the midst of stressful and traumatic events while equipping and empowering you with a specific non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing, and culturally responsive approach to becoming your best YOU!

Learning Outcomes

After completing the modules, students will be able to:

  • Recognize (List) their Thoughts, Interactions, Mindsets, and Emotions (TIME) that are impacting their stress levels (social-emotional well-being) which can eventually lead to occupational burnout and by extension adversely affect their relationships with self and others. (SELF-AWARENESS SKILLS)
  • Understand (Explain) the connection between their TIME, their stressors and their social-emotional well-being, and that of their students and student success. (SELF-AWARENESS SKILLS/DIGGING DEEPER)
  • Manage (Apply) their TIME brought on by stressors (six categories of stressors) utilizing self-care strategies that will benefit their relationships with self and others. (SELF & RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SKILLS)
  • Express (Show) diverse methods of engaging in helpful "other-focused" activities as tangible ways to express their TIME for themselves and by extension their students. (SOCIAL AWARENESS SKILLS)
  • Reflect (Assess) on their TIME as they make healthy choices regarding themselves, and others as they continue in their self-care practices while navigating virtual instructional space. (RESPONSIBLE DECISION-MAKING SKILLS)

Module Topics Include

  • RUMERTIME Process
  • Recognize:Self-Awareness Skills and Your Social-Emotional Wellness
  • Understand: Self-Awareness Skills/Digging into your Social-Emotional Wellness
  • Manage: Management Skills (Self and Relationship) and your Social-Emotional Wellness
  • Express: Social-Awareness Skills and your Social-Emotional Wellness
  • Reflect: Responsible Decision-Making Skills and your Social-Emotional Wellness

Meet the Instructors

Dr. Larrier is an associate professor in the Department of Counseling and Human Services in the School of Education and is currently serving as the department chair She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), National Certified School Counselor (NCSC), and a National Certified Counselor (NCC).


Length: 8 hours


IU Office of School Partnerships


Credit: Certificate, 8 PGP


Audience: K-12 Instructors and Parents

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