
Responsive Engagement and Virtual Learner Assessment

Started Mar 17, 2021
8 credits


Full course description

Course Introduction

This workshop introduces you to effective approaches to creating online assignments that engage learners and virtual formative and summative assessment. It should take you approximately 8-10 hours to complete the required elements of this workshop. The optional hands-on elements will take longer to complete and assume that you are or might be teaching students in some capacity and that you will create engagement routines and assessments for students in that context.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the modules, you will be able to:

  • Recognize "responsive" forms of learner engagement, along with the difference between synchronous, semi-synchronous, and asynchronous engagement, as well as the difference between discussions, artifacts, and annotation.
  • Recognize the different forms of responsive engagement that can be supported by social annotation.
  • Recognize common approaches and functions online formative assessment.
  • Describe common approaches to online summative assessment.

Module Topics Include

  • Responsive Engagement
  • Virtual Formative Assessment
  • Virtual Summative Assessment

Meet the Instructors

Grant T. Chartrand is a doctoral student in the Learning Sciences Program at Indiana University's School of Education. His current research focuses on learning experience design and asynchronous online learning. Grant has master's degrees in urban planning and instructional design from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.

Daniel T. Hickey is a Professor with the Learning Sciences Program, a Research Scientist with the IU Center for Research on Learning and Technology, a Senior Fellow at the IU Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, and an Affiliated Faculty with IU Cognitive Science Program. His research uses theories and methods from the Learning Sciences to uncover new solutions to enduring challenges in motivating, assessing, and recognizing learning, mostly in online environments. Daniel completed his Ph.D. in Psychology at Vanderbilt University and completed a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship at the ETS Center for Performance Assessment.


Length: 8 hours


IU Office of School Partnerships


Credit: Certificate, 8 PGP


Audience: K-12 Instructors and Parents

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