
IU Career EDGE



Full course description

Course Introduction

At Indiana University, we want every student to gain a Career EDGE. From the courses they choose and the experiences they have both inside and outside the classroom, students are building the foundation for their future career paths. To help students develop career awareness, we have created a series of online modules in Canvas to support students as they:

  • Explore their values, strengths and interests in relation to degrees and careers.
  • Develop an academic plan that connects with careers that excite them.
  • Graduate with a solid plan for furthering their professional goals, and be
  • Employed in a career that they are passionate about!

Course Objectives

This course supports students as they build a foundation for their future career paths and supplements the resources offered by IU’s career centers and our career advising staff. Students may experience some of these modules embedded in courses they take at IU. The course allows them to access the full richness of the Career EDGE offerings. Upon completion of this course, participants should be prepared to successfully transition from college into a career or further graduate or professional study.


Module Topics

  • Exploring Your Options
    • Learning About Yourself and Your Options
    • Aligning Your Academic and Career Goals
    • Designing Your College Experience
    • Applying to Graduate and Professional School
  • Career Building
    • Networking
    • Making a Professional Impression
    • Finding and Landing Internships
    • Searching for Jobs
  • Landing the Job
    • Writing Cover Letters and Communications
    • Crafting Your Resume
    • Interviewing
    • Negotiating & Accepting Offers

Meet the Designers

The EDGE Initiative was a Lilly grant-funded project led by a team of faculty and staff from throughout the IU system. The Indiana University Office of Completion and Student Success maintains the websites and the modules with assistance from the IU Career Services Alliance.


New and continuing students, career advisors, alumni, faculty and staff at Indiana University



Length: 12 modules


Office of Completion & Student Success


Credit: None


Audience: Undergraduate students

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