
BUILD - Module 3 - SAVI Data Literacy: Find Meaning in the Data

Ended Jun 5, 2019

Full course description

You have developed a focused question and found the data you need to answer that question. Now you will learn how to find meaning in the data through tables, charts, and maps.

About the Program

You have developed a focused question and found the data you need to answer that question. Now you will learn how to find meaning in the data through tables, charts, and maps. You will learn:

  • To analyze tables in Excel
  • To develop and interpret clear, impactful charts 
  • To interpret maps and understand map visualization choices


Skills You Should Have Before Taking This Module

Find this in  Module 1A: Framing the Problem :

  • How to frame problems so that you have a specific and measurable question that can help you meet your goal
  • What you want to accomplish with data (so that you can determine which data will meet your needs)

Find this in  Module 2A: Finding Existing Data :

  • What data already exists, and how to choose the right data source
