
Dream Interpretation


$39.95 Enroll

Full course description

About the Course

Dream interpretation is a fascinating topic. Historical accounts confirm that people have been interpreting their dreams for thousands of years.  In this mini-course, we will review:

  • When during the sleep cycle dreams are most likely to occur,
  • Some problems that can occur during sleep leading to unusual dreams or nightmares,
  • The most common types of dreams,
  • What we know about dreams in ancient cultures,
  • What we know about dreaming in other cultures,
  • Older theories of dream interpretation,
  • Modern theories of dream interpretation, 
  • Whether dreams are prophetic, and
  • Lucid dreaming

No single course could possibly answer all of your questions about this fascinating topic. I hope this mini-course addresses some of your questions and peaks your interest about this topic.

Learning Outcomes

  • Differentiate historic and modern views of sleep and dreams, including describing the scientific methods used in the study of sleep and dreams,
  • Debunk common myths and fallacies about sleep and dreams, and
  • Diagnose sleep disorders and identify common treatments for these disorders

Meet the Instructor

Robin K. Morgan Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology
Director, Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence

Indiana University Southeast

Robin K. Morgan received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Auburn University in 1988. She is a Professor of Psychology at Indiana University Southeast where she presently serves as the Director of the Institute of Learning and Teaching Excellence, overseeing face-to-face and distance education. She has served as the Indiana University Director of the Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching, a system wide organization devoted to recognizing and advocating for excellence in teaching. As Director, she served as the editor of the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as well as the founder and editor of the Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology. She has published numerous articles in the scholarship of teaching and learning, student stalking of faculty, and authored or co-authored several books including three in the Quick Hits series of Successful Strategies for Award Winning Teachers. The second edition of her Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology was published in 2017. Robin has received numerous teaching awards with her most recent award being the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology at Indiana University.


Length: ~10 hours




Credit: None


Audience: Public