

Time limit: 182 days
1 credit

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Full course description

Course Overview

This cooperative course covers a wide range of topics, including political philosophies, the constitution, civil rights, political parties and general citizenship.

Course topics are organized as follows:

  1. Who should Wield Power? Competing Political Philosophies of Early American History
  2. Who should Wield Power? Continued...
  3. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Civil Rights
  4. Civil Rights Continued and is the Constitution relevant and effective in America today?
  5. Constitution continued...
  6. What does it mean to be a Citizen of the United States?
  7. Political Parties, Media, and all of that Jazz.
  8. How Effective is the Legislative Branch in Governing?  Should Congressional representatives have term limits?
  9. Has the Expansion of the Executive Power Been Positive?

Please note that Cooperative courses are restricted to teen-age students only; you must be under 19½ at the time of registration.
The course is designed for high-school freshman or higher. It counts as an elective course, but does not satisfy an degree requirement for U.S. Government.

View a demo version of the course at



Required Materials


How to Enroll

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