
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Art

Time limit: 182 days
1 credit

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Full course description

Course Overview

Required Textbook

The required textbook for this course is ArtTalk, 4th edition, by Rosalind Ragans (Chicago: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005). You will have assigned readings from this textbook for lessons 1–9. I will make many references to your readings and to numerous art images in your textbook throughout this course guide. You will also be asked to complete both written exercises and art projects from the textbook.

Computer Art Option

You will be given an opportunity to use a computer and computer graphics software to fulfill the art assignments in some lessons. If you choose the computer option for the art assignment, any graphics software program, such as Paint, Photoshop, or Paint Shop Pro, will be suitable. Some computer art options will also require the use of a digital camera and/or a scanner.

Grading Procedures

Some students taking this course may have had years of experience making art on their own or through art classes. Others may have had little or no previous art experience. I will take this into account and grade every student on the merits of his or her own work in this course. The amount of effort you put into each lesson, your improvement as you proceed through the course, and the grade on your final examination will determine your final grade in this course.

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How to Enroll

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