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About the Course
Learn the basics of how to use Adobe InDesign, an application used for designing print and digital layouts. As part of this course, you’ll construct a four-page newsletter for supporters of an animal shelter, and in the process gain familiarity with InDesign’s interface and many of the tools and techniques commonly used to design a publication.
Learning Objectives
- Navigate the InDesign interface
- Understand fundamental concepts involved in working in InDesign
- Create, edit, and apply parent pages
- Place text and images into a document
- Create, fill, and manipulate text and image frames
- Create and apply paragraph styles
- Refine a publication with additional layout elements and tools
- Prepare and export a document for publication
Prerequisite Skills
- Previous experience using a word processor
- Knowledge of how to apply text styles
- Previous experience using Adobe applications
- Proficiency with refined mousing tasks
Meet the Instructor
This course is created and maintained by IT Training, a department of University Information Technology Services of Indiana University (IU). IT Training provides educational opportunities around technologies and software made available by IU. In an effort to expand the reach of IT Training's award-winning, high-quality content, this online series has been available to members of the IU community—and beyond. We hope you enjoy this learning experience.
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This course is part of a UITS IT Training Certificate Series. Learn more about the series and how to enroll.