Topic area: Accessibility

Improving the Accessibility of Your Canvas Course



Full course description

Course Introduction

This course is made for anyone looking to improve the accessibility of their Canvas site or course. It is designed to help answer questions, such as:

  • Why is creating accessible Canvas sites critical?
  • What areas should I consider when it comes to Canvas accessibility?
  • What steps should I take to make my Canvas course accessible?
  • How do I test if my Canvas site is accessible?

In this course, you'll learn the answers to all of these questions—and more. This course helps you understand the most important criteria for creating an accessible Canvas course, why each step matters, and how to how to test your efforts.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the modules, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of making an accessible Canvas course
  • Create usable, navigable and accessible pages within a Canvas course
  • Check for and fix accessibility and usability issues in uploaded files, multimedia, and across an entire Canvas course

Module Topics Include

  • Understanding the Impact of Accessibility
  • Key Accessibility Concepts
  • Improving Accessibility

Meet the Course Creators

This course is created and maintained by:


Length: ~3.5 hours


IT Training


Credit: None


Audience: Public

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