
Strategies for Understanding and Addressing Challenging Behaviors

3 credits

$60 Enroll

Full course description

Course Overview

This course will help attendees understand processes involved in responding to crises, understanding and assessing problematic behavior, and in developing behavior support plans.  

Material was developed into sections to better facilitate learning. The sections under each course are structured to be viewed sequentially.

  • Behavior Section 1: Handling Crises (55 minutes)
  • Behavior Section 2: Conducting an FBA (69 minutes)
  • Behavior Section 3: Behavior Support Plan (58 minutes)


By completing this course participants will:

  1. Address and minimize a crisis situation with a focus on self-regulation.
  2. Conduct a meaningful Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) that logically leads to teaching alternative skills and designing a positive behavior support plan.
  3. Develop a comprehensive behavior support plan that result in both short term and long-term behavioral change.

Meet the Presenters

Betty Lou Rowe, M.Ed.

Betty Lou is an Educational Consultant for the Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA) and Indiana School Mental Health Initiative (ISMHI), School Based Certified Provider of PEERS®, serving as project manager for behavior consultants and research associate for Bring Change to Mind high school mental health clubs. Betty Lou presents on topics which include Universal Design for Learning (UDL), understanding ASD, challenging behaviors and the FBA process, developing supports (sensory, behavior, communication, instructional) and peer-to-peer program development. She also supports districts and schools who identify areas of need where additional training is necessary to best impact student success.

Dr. Cathy Pratt, BCBA-D

Cathy is the Director of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism located at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana’s University Center for Excellence in Disabilities. Dr. Pratt is also the director of the Indiana School Mental Health Initiative. Dr. Pratt has served on numerous advisory boards across Indiana and nationally. She writes and presents internationally on the following topics: autism spectrum disorders, ASD and co-occurring Mental Health, functional behavior assessment/positive behavior supports, applied behavior analysis, instructional approaches, evidence-based practices, systems change, and policy.

How to Access

  1. Click "Register Now" button at top of page. This will take you to the IU Conferences registration site for this course.
  2. Register and pay for course on the IU Conferences registration site. IU Conferences will send an email confirming payment and provide you with a link to the selected course(s).  Note: this email is your invoice and receipt of payment. You have just completed registration. Now you are ready to enroll in the course.
  3. Link for course will be in the email from IU Conferences.  The link under "item description" next to the title of registered course. Copy the link and put in browser to take you to page to enroll in course.
  4. If you do not already have an IU Guest Account, you must create one. You'll find more information about  creating an IU Guest Account here.
  5. Each registered learner will need to create an IU Guest account to enroll in the course and obtain the course materials.
  6. After obtaining access to an IU Guest Account, come back to this page and click Login to enroll.
  7. Click the Enroll button. And then click the "Enroll in Course" button.  Once enrolled, click "Go to Canvas course" to get started. All coursework will be delivered through Canvas.
  8. After course completion you will return to the IU Expand dashboard,, to obtain your Certificate of Attendance. If you have taken courses for Type II BCBA credit, send an email to Dr. Cathy Pratt, BCBA-D,


Length:  3 hours


Indiana Resource Center for Autism, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community


Credit: Certificate of Attendance (3 hours); Type 2 BCBA credits available upon course completion.


Audience:  This course is designed for the General Education Teachers, Speech Language Pathologists, School Psychologists, Behavior Consultants, Autism Consultants, Special Education Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Administrators, Classroom Assistants/Paraprofessionals, and Family Members.

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