
Transition Educators Facilitating Employment

Jan 13, 2025 - Mar 21, 2025
4 credits

$250 Enroll

Full course description

Course Introduction

This course is designed to provide a connective framework for secondary educational services resulting in integrated, competitive, postsecondary employment. This course provides the educator with tools and strategies designed to facilitate successful adult vocational transition. This course challenges the educator in applying principles and practices within the school environment, in a person-centered, strength-based manner reflective of those best practices. Participants successfully complete all online assignments receive a competency-based certificate from Indiana University.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of modules you will:
  • Understand employment history, underlying values, ethical guidelines, definitions, and philosophy of community employment.
  • Gain basic knowledge and understanding of quality employment programs and supports.
  • Obtain practical strategies for implementing the proven “best practices” approaches to employment for people with disabilities supported by person centered transition services.
  • Provide connectivity between course content and implementation strategies throughout the Individual Education Program’s for each student..

Enrollment Details

This course will be offered four times each year. The cost is $250.00.


  • October 14, 2024-January 3, 2025


  • January 13-March 21
  • April 7-June13
  • July 14-September 19
  • October 6-December 12

Module Topics Include:

  • Developing Transition Programs within the Traditional School Environment
  • The Evolution of Supported and Customized Employment
  • Principles of Supported and Customized Employment
  • Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations
  • Discovery
  • Customized Employment
  • Marketing for Employment Services
  • Job Development
  • Job Training and Workplace Supports
  • Assistive Technology
  • Federal Programs for Businesses and People with Disabilities
  • Criminal Justice Involvement

How to Access

Upon enrolling, you will receive instructions and the link to Canvas. Note: When you register, you'll receive an email invitation. Be sure to accept that invitation, or Canvas will not allow you to open the course modules.

Trainees can move through content modules at their own pace within the course time frame. Trainees are allowed to finish the course prior to its conclusion date. Assignments will be graded, and attendees have access to instructor support and feedback throughout training.


Length: 10 weeks / 40 hours


Center on Community Living and Careers


Audience: Educators, Pre-ETS providers Transition Coordinators