Supported Employment: Developing Natural Supports
Apr 7, 2025 - Apr 18, 2025
1 credit
Full course description
Course Introduction
This course is offered by the Center on Community Living and Careers at Indiana University. The course introduces new employment specialists, consultants, job developers, job coaches, and others involved in training, hiring, inclusion, and job placement, to the utilization of natural supports, job analysis, and the seven phase sequence. This Supported Employment: Developing Natural Supports course helps learners to focus on developing natural supports in the workplace and utilizing the job analysis and seven phase sequence to help support the individual job seeker in a more inclusive process. Individuals who participate in all training components and successfully complete all online assignments receive a competency-based certificate from Indiana University.
Learning Outcomes
After completion of modules you will:- Define natural supports and the seven-phase sequence.
- Recognize how natural supports typically occur for everyone in a variety of jobs and a variety of ways.
- Identify the benefits of natural supports for the supported employee, employer, and employment services agencies.
- Communicate agency/employer expectations and roles to prospective employers.
- Utilize Job Analysis and the Seven Phase Sequence to establish natural supports, pre-plan supports, and strategize the augmentation of natural supports.
- Identify strategies for problem-solving using natural supports.
Enrollment Details
This course will be offered four times each year. The cost is $75.00.
- January 6-17
- April 7-18
- July 7-18
- October 6-17
Module Topics Include:
- Developing Natural Supports
- Job Analysis
- Work Culture
- Seven Phase Sequence
- Natural Supports in Action
How to Access
Upon enrolling, you will receive instructions and the link to Canvas. Note: When you register, you'll receive an email invitation. Be sure to accept that invitation, or Canvas will not allow you to open the course modules.
Trainees can move through content modules at their own pace within the course timeframe. Trainees are allowed to finish the course prior to its conclusion date. Assignments will be graded, and attendees have access to instructor support and feedback throughout training.