
Human Subjects Office Hours

Started Aug 1, 2018

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Full course description

To request a one-on-one consultation with a Human Subjects Office (HSO) staff member, please fill out this brief survey.

What are Human Subjects Office Hours about?
Human Subjects Office Hours offer faculty, staff, and students an opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Human Subjects Office (HSO) staff member to answer questions regarding the use of human subjects at Indiana University, and the process by which human subjects research applications are completed and submitted for review and approval.  HSO staff are happy to answer any and all questions that you may have related to human subjects research and KC IRB application.

Who should attend Human Subjects Office Hours?
IU Faculty, staff, and students, and/or IU affiliate individuals.

Offered by: The Office of Research Compliance, Human Subjects Office
Contact: 317-274-8289 or via email at

ORC, HSO, Human Subjects, IRB, Institutional Review Board, office hours, KC IRB, Lockefield, Indianapolis, Bloomington
