
Waste Management Training for Labs - Bloomington 2021

Ended Jun 30, 2021

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Full course description

Course Introduction

This course is designed to comply with federal, state, and local regulations governing activities related to the generation and accumulation of hazardous waste in laboratories, and to provide guidance on University procedures for laboratory waste accumulation and disposal as detailed in the IU Waste Management Program.  This training meets the requirements in 40CFR262.17(a)(7).  Employees who complete this training annually may transport hazardous waste from a satellite accumulation area to a central waste storage area for the purpose of transferring it to IUEHS if authorized by IUEHS.  All transport of hazardous waste must be done in accordance with the IU Hazardous Materials Transportation Program. 

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the hazardous waste regulatory framework
  • Recognize hazardous wastes and other wastes that pose safety or environmental concerns for disposal
  • Properly label and accumulate waste in a laboratory satellite accumulation area
  • Properly package waste for transfer to IUEHS
  • Respond to emergencies arising from the accumulation or transfer of hazardous waste

Module Topics Include

  • Regulatory overview
  • Procedures for accumulating, packaging, labeling, and transferring hazardous waste
  • Emergency response procedures

Course Creator 

IU Environmental Health and Safety

Length: 47 minutes

IU Environmental Health and Safety

Credit: Certificate

Audience: Laboratory personnel who generate, package, label, or transfer hazardous waste.