HIPAA and the Box Health Migration

HIPAA and the Box Health Migration

Ended Apr 1, 2022

Full course description

Course Introduction

This HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and Box Health Migration module provides key information for the proper management of sensitive data files following the automatic migration of Box Health accounts to the Microsoft at IU Secure Storage platform. This course is required for all Box Health account owners prior to automatic migration.  

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module you will understand your responsibilties to safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI) and manage permissions in Microsoft at IU Secure Storage. 

Meet the Instructors

Claire Tempel, HIPAA Privacy Officer
Jason Bozarth, HIPAA Security Officer

For technical assistance with IU Secure Storage, contact the UITS Support at https://uits.iu.edu/tech-help

For questions regarding the HIPAA Privacy and Security Programs, contact HIPAA@iu.edu


Length: 15 minutes


Credit: Certificate of Completion


Audience: Required for all Box Health account owners prior to automatic migration to the Microsoft at IU Secure Storage platform.