
Excel: Charts and Graphics



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About the Course

By taking this course, you will develop skills for creating effective and accurate charts. You will design various types of charts, apply elements and formats, and create chart templates. Incorporating Excel charts into PowerPoint slides is also covered. 

Learning Objectives

  • Understand charting terminology
  • Select appropriate chart types for a specific set of data
  • Create basic chart types, including column, pie, line, XY Scatter, and bar charts
  • Add a trendline and equation to the XY Scatter chart
  • Apply custom formats to charts and chart elements
  • Save and apply a chart template
  • Apply themes to charts
  • Insert Excel charts into a PowerPoint presentation

Prerequisite Skills

  • Comfort using Excel
  • Enter text and numbers into a worksheet
  • Perform calculations with formulas and functions
  • Format cells and worksheets
  • Select ranges of data

Meet the Instructor

This course is created and maintained by IT Training, a department of University Information Technology Services of Indiana University (IU). IT Training provides educational opportunities around technologies and software made available by IU. In an effort to expand the reach of IT Training's award-winning, high-quality content, this online series has been available to members of the IU community—and beyond. We hope you enjoy this learning experience.



Length: 2-4 hours


UITS IT Training


Credit: None


Audience: Public

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This course is part of a UITS IT Training Certificate Series. Learn more about the series and how to enroll.


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